jade shipping


This Code of Conduct is binding on all business partners of Jade International Shipping  DMCC. “Business Partners” includes inter-alia customers, agents, subcontractors, vendors,  suppliers, advisors, consultants, intermediaries or other Third Parties.

This Code of Conduct defines the principles and requirements that Jade International Shipping  DMCC imposes on its business Partners but also towards the outside world and environment.
The Business Partner accepts and agrees to be bound by this Code of Conduct and to comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations whether of the jurisdictions in which they are doing business or international and without prejudice to the generality of the above the business partner agrees to:
To fully comply with all applicable international, national and local Laws, Rules and Regulations including inter-alia and anti-bribery to the 10 Principles of  the UNGC, trade sanctions and export control Laws & Regulations including those administered by the United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom Acts 2010 laws, Anti-money laundering Laws and Regulations, Laws and Regulations countering the financing of terrorism.
To know and comply with all applicable safety and security Laws and regulations and promote the creation of safe and secure transport solutions minimizing the environmental impact at any time.
Meet legal environmental requirements and obtain, keep current and comply with all environmental permits, licenses and secure transport solutions that reduce the environmental impact.
Respect human rights, comply with any applicable legislation, forbid any kind of exploitation of children, to prohibit the use of child labour and ensure that legal employees under the age of 18 only performs non-hazardous worked as defined in UNGC, principle 5 or other vulnerable persons and prohibit any form of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, age, disability, political opinion, nationality or other potentially discriminatory factor.
Provide a safe and healthy work environment and assume responsibility for the health and safety of its employees.
Procure that all its subcontractors comply with this Code of Conduct.
To behave in a way that is worthy of a Business Partner of Jade International Shipping  DMCC .
Jade International Shipping DMCC monitors the implementation and adherence of this Code of Conduct.  Violations that may result in criminal or civil exposure will be handled immediately and any violations of this code may jeopardize the business partner’s business relationship with Jade International Shipping DMCC.
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